
Author / Poet / International Speaker / Mental Health Advocate
“Men of Color and the Battles of Mental Health”
Let’s Do This Together !!!
Whether speaking to a school or podcast, Brock the International TEDX speaker takes you on an inspirational poetic journey of life, culture, and mental health. Delivering heartfelt, riveting spoken words and dynamic motivation, with the educational program titled “men of color and the battles of mental health”, and how it collides with cultural refusal to not seek treatment

Shake The Dust Off Your Soul
Using our voice is the biggest source and strongest force life has to offer. Recognized by TEDX as a Mental Health Advocate Brock delivers captivating speeches around the world. Owner of Millenia Xpose’ a devoted artistic brand encouraging men to overcome obstacles pertaining to mental health, and addiction. Using tools and techniques developed over a 15 years extension, and the release of his Poetic Memoir “Shake The Dust Off Your Soul”.
Brock is taking his message to groundbreaking new heights assisting men to change their life.
Whether through music, novels, or theatre, poetry has always taken many forms and places in life and history. The powerful dynamic has transpired through time reshaping existence and spinning the wheels of civilization. Leveraging spoken word and mastering the art of fluent expression, Brock teaches and delivers motivating and captivating programs. Engaging audiences as an innovative poet and speaker.
His biggest trans-formative speech is:
A New Day
A refreshing inspirational program based on the Poetic Memoir and the battles of Mental Health, the roads it leads to and how to find inner strength and peace.

Millenia Xpose’
Black Men and Mental Health
“Change your mind and you’ll change the world .” – Norman Peale
- Audience Gift Bag Raffle
- PowerPoint Slides
- Meet & Greet
- Book Signing
- Worksheets
- Inspiration Talk
- Administration Distributed 10 Books
Book Reviews
can't wait to see where the
future takes him"
I follow him on social
media for awhile"